Role Player
Rochester, Minnesota
April 24-27, 2025
Sponsored by:
Minnesota Law Enforcement Explorer Association
Fraternal Order of Police
Minnesota Chief's / Sheriff's Association
We need Role Players!
Role Players must be 21 to attend conference.
Three nights lodging assigned by the Conference Committee. You will be sharing a room with a fellow Role Player of the same sex. You will be staying at the Marriott hotel.
1st Avenue SW
Rochester, MN 55902
Thursday -- No meals provided
Friday -- Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner at the Mayo Center
Saturday -- Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner at the Mayo Center
Sunday -- Breakfast at the Mayo Center
Conference fee:
$150.00 per person.
Includes: Room, meals, and conference program.
We will fill the event positions first and the additional staff openings that are needed. All maybe asked to fill a security detail when they are not doing their main job.
Please remember your role is critical to the conference and we may not communicate with you from the time you sign up for the conference and the conference itself and expect you to attend in the position we assign to you.
If at any point you have questions please email our support staff at supportstaff@mnleexplorer.org.
Future Conference Dates
Mark your calendars!
April 23 – 26, 2026
April 22 – 25, 2027
April 27 – 30, 2028
April 26 – 29, 2029
April 25 – 28, 2030