The Exploring program is specifically designed to incorporate the following experience areas: career opportunities, life skills, service learning, character education, and leadership experience.
Law Enforcement Exploring is a program sponsored by local law enforcement agencies to provide career information to students between the ages of 14 (completed 8th grade) and 20. It also provides the structure and resources needed for these young adults to make ethical choices and to achieve their full potential as individuals.
These students learn first hand the duties and responsibilities of police officers. By bringing interested youth and police officers together on a regular basis, the explorers are able to apply the information and tactics they learn in mock situations at the Minnesota Law Enforcement Conference each April, and at the National Law Enforcement Explorer Conference. The National Conference is held every other summer in a major metropolitan area, such as Washington D.C. or Flagstaff, Arizona.
These conferences provide the explorers with opportunities to meet with their peers, be exposed to law enforcement agencies at the state and federal level, and the chance to receive college scholarship money through their participation in the mock situations.
Exploring is focused on teaching youth about career fields that might interest them and encouraging them to prepare for the future. In doing so, the program aims to build self-worth and self-confidence in youth.
Scholarships are awarded to explorer posts who place in the Academic and Practical Exercises at our State Conference. This money is held in trust by the Minnesota Law Enforcement Explorer Association. Each post may award a scholarship to any explorer who is enrolled in a Law Enforcement college program.
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